Erotic male games

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Foot Fetish Fortress VolTitan Vs. The Jundoh Empire Volume 1

foot fetish, foot play, footjob, 2d, male

Join the mighty VolTitan as he defends planet Feeternia from puritanical invaders and their giant monsters in this fun foot fetish-fueled super robot action-comedy visual novel.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Foot Fetish Fortress VolTitan Vs. The Jundoh Empire Volume 2

foot fetish, foot play, footjob, 2d, male

The Jundoh Empire Strikes back! Will VolTitan be able to overcome The Jundoh Empire's new weapon in the exciting second volume of Foot Fetish Fortress VolTitan Vs The Jundoh Empire!?

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Last updated 2 years ago

Indecent Desires

3d, anal sex, blackmail, cheating, creampie

“Indecent Desires” is a very adult +18 intrigue/drama interactive game in the mold of something like the TV series “Dallas” or “Dynasty”, with a bit of “Beverly Hills 902010” thrown into the mix.

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Last updated 2 years ago


2d, big tits, harem, hentai, jrpg

50 years have passed since the monsters last threatened humanity. In those years, life has returned to normal. However, this peace can’t last forever. Play as Rei Yagami as his life is changed forever.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Innocent Witches

anal sex, big ass, big tits, blowjob, braless

Innocent witches is a free, humorous rendition of the story of the boy who lived. A bit brighter, more lustrous, and a whole lot more lustful.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Mature Content Warning

This site contains erotic content intended only for adults.