Erotic blackmail games

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My Boss' Wife is My Ex ~Reluctantly Drowning in Sex Deals After Hours~

blackmail, cheating, anal sex, fingering (vaginal), masturbation

My old girlfriend. The woman who had once dumped me had, of all things, become the president's wife at the place I worked at. An erotic visual novel from Appetite!

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Last updated 2 years ago

Obscene Medical Records of a Married Nurse

blackmail, nonconsensual, anal sex, oral sex, vaginal sex

Even though Inoue Yumi is young, she just got promoted to the Head Nurse. But due to her medical blunder, she almost risked a patient's life. Her colleague Dr. Morishima begins to think about how he can use this situation to his advantage.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Usagi Health Club

blackmail, prostitution, creampie, cum from mouth / nose, gangbangs

A casual visual novel with minigames that lets you have fun and rewards you with special time with the bunny girls. Choose your escort girl for the night and play minigames to win special scenes! But be careful not to be too addicted.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Indecent Desires

3d, anal sex, blackmail, cheating, creampie

“Indecent Desires” is a very adult +18 intrigue/drama interactive game in the mold of something like the TV series “Dallas” or “Dynasty”, with a bit of “Beverly Hills 902010” thrown into the mix.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Claire's Quest

2d, adventure, bdsm, blackmail

An RPG maker game with excellent writing and storytelling following the character Claire as they flee from a horde of monsters and have to strike out on their own amidst political turmoil. There are various high quality CG's

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Last updated 2 years ago

Mature Content Warning

This site contains erotic content intended only for adults.